Premier *
Premier returned to Kalamazoo, MI for this years show.
Fox Briar had two dogs that qualified for Top Ten :
Fox Briar Rebel Son & Tarjac's Tinker Toy of Fox Briar.
Tinker participated in Premier this year with her new owner
Bill Sciara after changing hands in Dec.of 2011
We did not race in 2011.
Welcome !!! Bill Sciara & Tinker
Scottie Sciara & Tinker Toy
Bill Sciara & Tarjac's Tinker Toy of Fox Briar
Premier *
We were unable to attend Premier this year.We had
dogs that qualified in both Racing & Conformation
( Top Ten ).Badakhsan Beauregard was # 1 in Top Ten ,
Fox Briar Rebel was # 1 in Racing 12 1/2 - 15 &
Badakhashan Tobias was #1 in Racing 10 - 12 1/2 .
Premier *
UKC Premier was held in Richmond,IN
this year, a new venue for Premier.It was
great to see all our fellow FL competitors
there, as well as the out of state competitors,
especially Richard Hunter & family of NC,
Bruce & Diane Elzinga of MI, Jason Crociani
& Cathy Thomas of CA.
Welcome to our photolog of Premier 2010 !
I was able to get some ringside photos of
Top Ten this year due to the fact that I had
the misfortune of dislocating my toe the first
day at Premier & could not show !
Tara on the table.
Congratulations to Tara who won the
Top Ten class !
Some of the Top Ten entries in the ring.
Handlers ( from L ) Bruce Elzinga, Cathy
Thomas, Samantha Gray & Christina Worley.
Jason & Cyra in the ring.
Jr Handler Christina Worley showing
in Top Ten.
Jr Handler Samantha Gray showing
in Top Ten.
Samantha & Christina did a great job handling
........ looking like pros out there !!! Well done !
The UKC Awards table from just one of several days of Premier.
Some of our awards from Premier.
UKC provided some outstanding
prizes this year !
UKC Premier Wall of Fame
The Wall of Fame depicts the Top winners from last year's 2009 Premier.
In the top left corner is our Fox Briar Rebel& next to him,Lea Ann Elliot's Jagd Terrier,
UAGII Lea Annimal's Rocky.Rebel is also shown on row three,second from left.
Rebel won the PURINA CHALLENGE for Overall
Fastest Open Steeple Racer & Overall Fastest Open
Flat Racer Premier 2009.
Rebel won the PURINA sponsored Overall Open Fastest
Flat Racer & Rocky won Overall Fastest Open Steeple
Racer Sun. at the 2009 Premier( Rocky pictured right ).
*** ALL STAR Invitational ***
Fox Briar Rebel won Fastest Steeple Racer
for the 2009 All Star competition * all breeds
Sunday Rebel & Tobias both won the Fastest
Steeple Racer for their height division.We are
so proud of Tobias,who though 9 yrs old & slow-
ing down,is still competitive & loves to run !
Candids From Premier *
The Pupparazi aka Richad Hunter scored some of these
celebrity photos Premier weekend.
AT THE RACE TRACK * Walt & June Pasko & Iyuan
Fox Briar Jeremiah & Linruff's Got It Hot racing in the UKC ALLSTARS FLATS class.
Jeremiah & " Cyra " are both progeny of our Badakhashan Beauregard.
Fox Briar Jeremiah * Badakhashan Tobias * Linruff 's Got It Hot
racing in Premier ALLSTARS Steeples class.
Fastest Allstars Steepleracer * 12 1/2 - 15
Fox Briar Rebel
Fox Briar Rebel had to run off for "Fastest " for the winners in Open & APRs.
Photos below by Fay |
Bruce & Jet.This is one of the best Patterdales I have seen in a long time,possessing the old Mason type. |
This precious little show goer was " plum tuckered out " !
Madisyn Paulyne
Lee Ann Elliot sent this collage of one of the racing events
at Premier.The Patterdales are Rebel & Tara.Each dog
was representing his/her height division in the Open class.
Rocky,owned by Lee Ann was in the over 15" division.
Thank you Lee Ann
Premier *
UKC made us welcome !!!!
Here is where it all began .......... a fun filled week of dog shows.
Jason of CMC Patterdales on Thurs. sporting Cyra's Top Ten ribbon. It was great spending the week with he & his wife Tiffany & all the " Beau babies " !!!!!!
Tarjac's Omega went Best of Breed on her only day shown. We were so pleased with her performance ! She is shown here in the Group ring with Tammy Stefanie who handled her to perfection !!!!!
Nugent Photo
Omega pictured with Tammy Stefanie,who handled her to BOB & owner Fay Craft.Omega is fourth generation Fox Briar
breeding through our Shanty & UKC TOP TEN Beau.
Scenes from Premier *******
A doggie's dream !
Our favorite find from one of the Premier vendors .......a canopy cot in our signature colors for Shanty !
Tegwyn " chilling out " ( warming up ??? ) in the RV !
Premier Racing
Sat. & Sun. we raced in the Flat & Steeplechase Races. The " favorite " to win in the unders * Badakhashan Tobias * decided to be gentlemanly & let kennelmate * Fox Briar Jeremiah * go first ! In the overs * Fox Briar Rebel * not only " ran away " with first but in the runoff for Overall fastest ,won Fastest Flats & Steeples on Sat.& Fastest Flats on Sun.
Thank you to Sara Nugent for the great picture of Rebel !
She really captured his expression in this shot !
Rebel * Sat.
Nugent Photo
Rebel * Sun.
UKC Premier *
....Looking forward to next year ! See you there Tiffany, Jason , Bruce & Patterdales !!!
PTCA Nationals 1995 -2007
Fun Facts :
1995 * The first Patterdale Nationals were held * CH The Corner Trollop * Puppy CH Laid Back Shaq
1996 * Our first nationals with our 1st Patterdale *
Fell's Shenanigan won his class * Go To Ground offered as an exhibition but cancelled due to heavy rain * Rockvale TN * Nick Stevens * ENGLAND Judge * David Mason Chairman
1997 * Shenanigan won PTCA registered dog * Tarjac & Gwinnett 2nd place Brace class *
Pell Lake Wisconsin * Dick Fenton * IOWA Judge *Bob Burns Chairman
1998 * The first competitive GTG offered * Shenanigan wins Championship * Tarjac & Lady Godiva win National Brace class *Fairfield Iowa * Rick Brenna IOWA Judge *Dick Fenton Chairman
1999 * First Florida Nationals * Tarjac wins RS BIS & Rs GTG CH * Shanty wins National Veteran CH & GTG CH * Brittany wins Child Handler * Tarjac & Lady Godiva win National Brace class * Bob Burns TEXAS Judge *Fay Craft Chairman
2000-2001 * Beau wins National CH Puppy * Tarjac & Lady Godiva win National Brace class *Paradise Texas Karen Fitzpatrick * ILLINOIS Judge (2001 ) * Bob Burns Chairman
Life Memberships were awarded & all life members recieve free entries to the PTCA Nationals show as a benefit.
2002 Tobias wins 1st place Puppy conformation class * Beau is 1st in conformation * Shenanigan is GTG CH * Tarjac & Lady Godiva win National Brace class * The first Nationals to offer " Racing " classes ( open to colored terriers ) Wins in Racing with our Patterdales* Kankakee Illinois *Steve Wallace ENGLAND * Judge * Karen Fitzpatrick Chairman
2003 Phoenix wins National Champion Puppy *Cross entering is allowed ( 1994-2007 ) & Beau wins both Working Dog & BBX Dog class * Tarjac wins National Veteran CH * Shanty wins National Rs Veteran CH * Beau & Tegwyn win NationalBrace class * Other Championship wins in racing & GTG ( open to colored terriers ) with Shanty,Tarjac,etc. * Crossville TN * Peter Heath * FINLAND Judge *Fay Craft Chairman
2004 * Pups due & forego Nationals ! * NC * Stephanie Poppe MO Judge * Jeff Rowe Chairman
2005 * Did not attend * MO * Andrew Baillie GB Judge * Jeff Rowe Chairman
2006 Mason's Maximus is RS BIS *Tegwyn wins National Veteran CH * Beau is National Rs CH * Rebel is Racing CH overs * Jeremiah is Racing CH unders * Rebel is GTG CH & Nutmeg is Rs GTG CH * Tegwyn & Bronwyn win National Brace class * This was the first Nationals to have it all !!!!!...Conformation,Lure Coursing, Racing Championship, GTG Championship, Super Earth, Exhibitor's Dinner & lots of vendors !The classes were sanctioned & open to Patterdales only. Yalaha FL * Dan Grimmell * FLORIDA Judge * Fay Craft Chairman
2007 * Shanty comes out of retirement to win the Nationals Veteran Bitch class ! * Rebel wins the Bred By Exhibitor Dog Class *Kingsport TN *Ted Harris ENGLAND Judge *Jeff Rowe Chairman
2009 Regionals/Nationals will be held for the first time in CA * Tiffany & Jason Crociani Chairmen
2009 Nationals * National Champion * CMC's Tara the Terror of Oakleaf * National Rs BIS * Linruff' Got It Hot * National Champion Puppy * CMC's Tara the Terror of Oakleaf.Both of the winning dogs trace their lineage back to Badakhashan Beauregard & Badakhashan Shillelagh ( BB ),FOX BRIAR breeding from our original ( Badakhashan ) line.We are so proud of Tara & Cyra and excited for Cathy,Tiffany & Jason !
2010 We did not attend Nationals,held this year in TN, but were well represented by progeny tracing back to our line ( CMC 's Tara the Terror of Oakleaf owned by Cathy Thomas & CMC's Heavy Metal owned by Jason Crociani )." Tara won the National Championship for the 2nd year in a row;the first Patterdale to attain this honor." Brass won his class;Bred by Male.Judge Pamela Simmons." Beau Blood " could not have been better represented...truly a lasting legacy.
2011 * There will be no Patterdale Nationals in 2011.
2011 We did not attend the Patterdale Terrier Fest held
in Tampa Fl, March 2011 but several dogs from our line
competed successfully.
The original format of classes 1994 -2007
1996 Nationals * TN
David Mason & BIS Mason's Ladd O'Shea ( above )
Judge Nick Stevens is to the right of photo.
National Puppy Ch * Baize's Jazz
National Veteran CH * CH Sticktight Black Tiger Phantom
1997 Nationals * Wisconsin
Ntl CH The Corner Trollop ( right )
Rs CH ( & Puppy CH )Longhi Mason ( left )
Ntl Veteran CH * CH Rootie of Leicestershire
CH Meadowlake Whinney (right) * RS CH (left)
Tarjac (right) in BIS ring Tarjac & Lady winning
1998 Nationals the National Brace
Aurora Rubel handling class * 1998 Nat.
1999 Nationals * FL
Tarjac winning Rs BIS under Bob Burns * PTCA Nationals * 1999 * Florida
( PTCA Champion Badakhashan Tarjac bred by Fay Craft )
Tarjac was also the National Rs CH in Go To Ground
Shanty was National Veteran CH & Go To Ground CH
Brittany was National Child Handler
with Badakhashan Shillelagh ("BBG")
Nationals * 1999
Owned by the Craft & Hacker Family
2000-2001 Nationals * Texas
Schaeffer's Little Big Man * 2000 BIS
Judith Brecka* CA owner ( upper left )
Little Big Man " family " & Mary Schaeffer of CA upper right
Tarjac & Lady Godiva winning the National
Brace class 2000 & 2001 ( lower left ) |